Avian Telemetry - Wildlife Tracking
OTS has been involved in several avian tracking projects and our ornithologists can cater to a wide range of telemetry needs.
Telemetry projects vary enormously based on the study species and the research objectives, and OTS ornithologists have the experience needed to deliver tracking solutions custom-designed to fit the research goals and study species.
Neck-collar mounted GPS tracker on an Australian White Ibis just before the bird was released. This species is a significant pest in urban environments in Australia, and this OTS project was the first GPS telemetry study on this species.
Typically, OTS provides the following services for telemetry projects:
Project design and sourcing the ideal tracking device
Bird capture for device fitting (and retrieval, when required)
VHF (radio tracking) location triangulation
Remote data collection from GPS units using a variety of platforms (e.g. Bluetooth, 4G, Argos)
Regular data monitoring, interpretation, and troubleshooting
Data analysis (e.g. home range, behaviour, land-use partitioning) and reporting
A Bar-tailed Godwit in New Zealand fitted with a backpack tracking device (the antenna is visible sticking out behind the central bird in this picture). Researchers have used telemetry to identify the migration route of many shorebird species, including the Bar-tailed Godwit which flies directly across the Pacific Ocean during its annual journey.