Black Cockatoo Habitat Assessment
In southwest WA, projects involving habitat clearing or modification often require additional approval in the form of Black Cockatoo impact assessments. Three Black Cockatoo species in the southwest are listed as Endangered on state and federal legislation. Any action which may impact Black Cockatoo foraging, breeding, or roosting habitat must be referred for approval.
OTS ornithologists are experts in conducting Black Cockatoo habitat assessments, and have been doing so since the early 2000’s. Our methods, designed and updated to comply with current national survey standards, will assess whether an action may have a significant impact on Black Cockatoos. Our services include:
Desktop assessment of habitat types, and known Black Cockatoo breeding and roosting sites.
Field surveys to quantify habitat suitability for breeding, foraging, and roosting.
Field surveys to identify evidence of Black Cockatoo activity including potential nesting sites.
Detailed reporting of findings.